Communities In Schools is the nation’s leading dropout prevention organization with a mission to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

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Communities in Schools Action

We provided individualized case management services, support groups, and campus-wide programming for more than 24,000 students that include academic interventions, basic needs assistance, social emotional learning, resource connection, and behavioral health support.




Communities in Schools Results

By bringing caring adults into the schools to address children's social, emotional, and physical needs, at-risk students have an increased chance of being successful in school and thriving in life.


We are an in-school dropout prevention model based on six components that are provided on each CIS campus.

In addition to an evidence-based model of program service delivery, our program provides a variety of activities to meet student and campus needs.

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Counseling/Supportive Guidance

Our Student Support Specialists work regularly with students on any issue of concern. Referrals to agencies are made for extensive counseling to the students and their families.

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Health & Human Services

By way of networking with other social service agencies, we help provide food, shelter, clothing, health education and other basic life essentials for students and families.

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Parent & Family Involvement

We provide services and activities to increase the participation of parents in the students’ educational experience.

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Pre-Employment Training

Our Student Support Specialists offer pre-employment education to the students. Guest speakers present career opportunities in CIS group settings.


We offer enrichment activities throughout the year to enhance the student's learning environment such as field trips, college visits, family events, book fairs, guest speakers, movie and game nights, and arts and crafts.

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Educational Enhancement

Tutoring is made available to students on a one-on-one basis or in group settings. Students are also given incentives to excel academically.

Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

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